Hishika Handmade Japanese Saws - Set of 3


The ultimate smooth cutting experience.

Handmade Japanese saws are the product of a highly evolved form of blacksmithing. The blades are forged flat and tensioned by hand, if you look closely you may still be able to see tiny hammer marks in the blade surface. After through hardening, the blades are scraped to selectively taper the blade away from the tooth line. The teeth are filed and sharpened by hand and the resulting cutting action is nothing short of exquisite.

These are tools that need to be used gently, with care and respect. Once you are comfortable using replaceable blade saws and can use them with calm confidence and accuracy, these are the next logical progression.

Our handmade Japanese saws are made by Hishika in Miki city and have been produced using traditional techniques but with western woodworkers in mind, the teeth are shaped and hardened to suit the tasks of cutting furniture sized dovetails and tenons in European hardwoods.

As with all handmade saws these are delicate precision instruments; but with care, practice and a light touch they have the potential to be the only ones you use for the majority of typical furniture making cuts.

Handmade 240mm Japanese Dozuki Saw for hardwood dovetailing
This saw has been filed and heat treated appropriately for use in small section mild hardwoods for dovetailing and other light joinery tasks, the teeth are filed for ripping down the grain.

  • Blade length: 240mm
  • Blade thickness: 0.23mm ish (spine), 0.29mm ish (toothline), 0.9mm (tang)
  • 25tpi
  • Set 0.05mm per side
  • Overall length: 605mm
  • Maximum depth of cut 50mm

Handmade 240mm Japanese Ryoba Saw for hardwood
This saw has been filed and heat treated for use in mild hardwoods - excellent for precision stock preparation and larger furniture joints like tenons, bridles and lap joints.

  • Blade length: 240mm
  • Blade thickness: 0.40mm ish (centre), 0.50mm ish (toothline), 1.1mm (tang)
  • 16tpi (crosscut), 9 to 6tpi progressive (rip cut)
  • Set 0.15mm per side
  • Overall length: 610mm
  • Maximum depth of cut 65mm

Handmade 240mm Japanese Unisaw
This remarkable tool draws on the traditions of Japanese sawsmithing to produce a single saw that can be used for several cuts.

The teeth are a little longer than usual, providing excellent swarf clearance but a smooth cutting 14½tpi with zero rake and an aggressive fleam angle to manage cross, rip and angled cuts with equal ease. The absence of a spine allows it to be used for sawing panels.

The plate is taper forged with unset teeth and supple spring temper, Be careful not to bend it over too far when flush cutting - clearance for the handle is all that is needed.

Note: These handmade saws are not for beginners and are more suited to the experienced user. Our lifetime warranty does not apply to broken/damaged saw blades.

Regular price of these saws if purchased separately: £285.00